Polygonal modeling
Interactive construction and editing of polygonal density and magnetization models
Automatic fit of polygons density and magnetization
Conversion to a grid model
Grid modeling
Interactive construction and editing of grid density and magnetization models
Lateral and arbitrary gravity and magnetic inversion
Joint gravity and magnetic inversion
Multithread computing
Prior data accounting
Import of horizons and aprior lines (wells and faults)
Seismic wave velocity - density conversion based on formulas or machine learning
Construction of correction weights distribution for inversion
Fixing areas for inversion
Transformations and filters
Filtering 1D data. Smoothing, calculation of regional and local field components
Upward and downward continuation
Calculation of higher derivatives
Singular points localization
Wavelet transform
Euler deconvolution
Detection of extrema on 3D grids and maps
Inversion without a priori data